Today proved to be a day of twists and turns! First and foremost we needed to service the fundamental pieces of equipment that had successfully brought us the 1,400 miles to Savannah. We wheeled Trusty (Anthony’s bike) and Steed (Kat’s Bike) to Sekka bike shop where Ethan placed his healing hands upon our “vehicles composed of two wheels held in a carbon fibre composite frame” to make them as good as new. More interesting, however, was the fact that in our previous blog we made reference to the evolution of the bicycle made in 1864, and for those not in touch with such trivial pursuits, we were referring to the Penny Farthing (Bone Shaker). And there, standing pride of place in Sekka, was a modern day Penny Farthing… bizarre!
Happy that Trusty and Steed were in the hands of a professional, it was time to place our next most precious items in the hands of Gloria and Sabrina for a good servicing. What many of you may not realise is that keeping bodily parts wrapped in leather, sweating for 8 hours a day can result in skin falling off those bodily parts. Fortunately for us, Gloria and Sabrina were proficient pedicurists and, much like the achievements of Ethan with Trusty and Steed, Gloria and Sabrina made our feet as good as new. However, slightly disturbing was Gloria’s advice on the best way to eat a "coon". Sometimes referred to as wild meat, the best way to eat a "coon" is to cut its head off first and then skin it (unlike Opposums where you burn/scorch the skin to remove the hair). Once gutted and portioned, season well and cook until tender. Apparently it tastes like beef. Personally eating Racoon or Opposum is something we’ll leave to the professionals.
With feet and bikes ready to stamp out another 1,400 miles before their next service, we headed back to our hotel for social hour; a complimentary spread of wine, cheese, biscuits and fruit to encourage frivolity and social chat amongst hotel residents… we know what you’re thinking! Not wishing to be party poopers we duly got into the elevator and made our way to the foyer for drinks. “Chance is as chance does” we met a lovely lady who lives in North London and works for Clifford Chance. We had a nice chat but Anthony decided to show Kat the “enough talk about boring work, already” card when the work conversation stretched past the 5-minute barrier.
Now seated in a lovely restaurant overlooking the Savannah River, Kat and Anthony were tucking into some great food. The interesting thing about this restaurant is that it overlooks the Savannah River, which carries cargo ships into the port, the 9th largest in the US. We’re not sure if you have ever experienced the optical illusion of sitting on a train in a station looking out of the window at the stationary train next to you? You gaze down to read the article in the newspaper placed on your lap then briefly look up and out of the window again, shocked to see your train is moving backwards. Of course it isn’t, it’s the train next to you moving forward. Well, when sitting in this restaurant looking out of the window witnessing a container ship the size of Manhattan making its way down the river you get the feeling the whole restaurant is moving; it’s mind blowing! We even heard the guy on the next table ask his date if the earth moved for her!
Us x